Designated Teachers Training
The role of newly appointed Designated Teacher for Looked After and Previously Looked After Children This course is aimed at equipping newly appointed DTs or those who would like to refresh their practice with the knowledge and understanding needed to support Looked After and Previously Looked After Children and will cover:
- The statutory duties of the designated teacher for both looked after and previously looked after children especially as outlined in the guidance to governors
- The role of the Virtual School Head and Virtual School
- Information about children looked after and previously looked after
- Supporting staff in mitigating the impact of trauma
- The Personal Education Plan Meeting, why it is so important, making it effective, creating SMART targets and actions plans
- Using Welfare Call for ePEPs
- Pupil Premium Plus Grant and how it may be used
- Admission, Attendance and avoiding Exclusion
- Reporting outcomes
Supporting the Social and Emotional needs of Looked After and Previously Looked After Children: from assessment to intervention.
This course is aimed at equipping Designated Teachers with the knowledge and understanding needed to support the social and emotional needs of Looked After and Previously Looked After Children from prevention to intervention:
- Understanding a key tool for school based assessment of Social and Emotional needs
- Using assessment findings to inform preventative support and intervention.
- Gathering sensitive information as a preventative measure
- Practical strategies for meeting social and emotional needs associated with developmental trauma
- Developing and implementing emotional behaviour support plans.
"Really useful day, as usual. All sessions were great, particularly enjoyed the final session with Foster Focus, thanks" (HC, Local School).
"This has been one of the most meaningful training sessions I’ve ever been on. It’s been so well organised, incredibly informative and an incredibly inspirational talk" (New Designated Teacher)