Parents & Carers
How can I support the school placement?
AfC Virtual School works values the extensive support that Carers provide to students to enhance their education.
Looked After Children’s school performance is improved significantly where:
- carers offer support at home for education by providing a quiet learning space and engaging in the learning process.
- carers take an active interest in the school timetable and ensure students arrive well prepared for the day’s learning.
- carers attend school parent’s evenings and other school events to demonstrate their commitment, encouragement and support.
- carers support school policies (discipline, dress, signing of planners etc) and have positive communication with the school and contact children’s services and the Virtual School where appropriate to work collaboratively and enhance pupil progress.
- attendance and punctuality are seen as important. This is an area Nationally where Looked After Children excel due to the excellent practice of their carers.
- routines and boundaries, consequences and rewards are established to support emotional wellbeing.
- students are able to participate in the extra-curricular events and develop additional skills, advance learning and extend their peer group.
- there are high expectations regarding educational success.
- carers take time to listen to students problems regarding school and offer advise sharing issues appropriately with the school where needed.
The role of schools in supporting children in care
AfC Virtual School works closely with Designated Teachers in schools and colleges offering support and training and where needed, challenge.
Looked After Children’s school performance is improved significantly where:
- education is of a high standard. It is a statutory requirement therefore for Children Looked After to be in Ofsted Good or Outstanding provision.
- schools work closely with Carers, Social Workers and AfC Virtual School.
- schools attend ePEP, Professionals Meetings and Reviews and targets are rigorously followed up through the term.
- Designated Teachers and School Governors attend training offered by the Virtual School.
- Pupil Premium is used effectively and impact monitored and shared on the ePEP
- attendance is a priority and strategies are put in place to minimise absence.
- there is an understanding of Attachment and the effects of early trauma on behaviour and systems exist in school to support the specific needs of Looked After Children.
- school policies and practices reflect the needs of Looked After Children; there are clear in-year induction policies; break out spaces are utilised and the Designated Teacher is well trained and influential in the school.
- early interventions ensure that there is no need for fixed term exclusions and behaviour infractions are managed through positive behaviour approaches.
- the school ethos is inclusive and all staff have high expectations of every child
- there is educational stability. School is a protective factor and there are statutory requirements around maintaining consistent school provision wherever possible.
What is offered by AfC Virtual School to support Carers?
AfC Virtual School colleagues attend Fostering Forum, provide Letterbox parcels, regularly e-mail updates and offer training.
All carers are encouraged to contact AfC Virtual School team so that we can offer you advise on any school related matter. We are keen to attend ePEPs where you feel this would benefit one of our students.
Thank you for all you are doing to support the education of our pupils. We look forward to meeting you or speaking to you very soon.