AfC Virtual School Mission Statement
Our mission statement is adapted from the High Level Responsibilities as set out in ‘Promoting the Education of Looked After Children’ (July 2014). These threads are the foundation of our Annual Reporting and School Improvement Planning and are central to our ethos and actions.
1. Attainment and progress: We are committed to closing the attainment and progress gap between children looked after and their peers through stringent tracking of data and provision of suitable interventions. We are dedicated to promoting a culture of high aspirations.
2. Attendance and exclusions: We rigorously monitor attendance and exclusions and act promptly where there are concerns to minimise absence and reduce exclusions.
3. Educational provision: We ensure that children looked after have access to a suitable range of high quality education placement options that take account of their duty to promote pupils’ educational achievement. We champion educational stability and have strategies in place to support transition.
4. PEPs: We have robust systems to ensure up‐to‐date, effective and high quality electronic PEPs which drive forward improvement.
5. Training and CPD: We structure an annual training programme which aims to meet the needs of those responsible for promoting the educational achievement of children looked after.
6. Finance and Business Management: We have systems in place to delegate Pupil Premium Plus to our school placements and AfC Virtual School uses funds imaginatively to raise attainment and improve wellbeing. We routinely monitor the impact of this spending to improve student outcomes.
7. Communication and working with others: We work together with partners to ensure that the educational achievement of children looked after by the authority is seen as a priority by everyone who has responsibilities for promoting their welfare. We regularly update our records so that effective information, reporting and data systems are in place.
8. AfC Virtual College: Care Leavers are supported into Education, Employment and Training. There are high aspirations around engagement in further and higher education. Apprenticeship pathways and opportunities are developed; partners are supported and challenged and training is provided. An Executive Board to advocate for this group is established. EET figures for care leavers increase.
9. Extended Duties |Previously Looked After Children: We are committed to closing the attainment and progress gap between children in need/previously looked after children and their peers through providing comprehensive information and advice to parents, educators and other professionals to promote the educational achievement of this group. This includes a focus on reducing absence and exclusion and leading the Attachment Aware Schools Award.
10. SEND, SDQs and Health: AfC Virtual School supports additional educational and health needs of our children. This includes championing solutions with partner agencies to facilitate educational engagement and stability.