Early Years
Early Years
As with all looked after children, pre-school children will have a number of ‘corporate parents’ involved in their lives according to their individual circumstances. Social workers, foster carers, health visitors and adoption workers are some of the adults who may interact with the child. The child may be having contact visits with their birth family too. All this can be confusing, especially for young children who may not have the developmental skills to express their thoughts and feelings. Professionals and carers working and caring for these children need to plan carefully to minimise any potential difficulties at any transition of home and/or education placement, taking into account the child’s personal history.
Looked After Children in Early Years settings will have a Designated Teacher and Personal Education Plan. The PEP for children in the Early Years will incorporate targets from the Early Years Foundation stage. The aim is for children to meet the Early Learning Goals according to the EYFS and reach a Good Level of Development by the end of Reception.
Early years settings need:
• A designated teacher for looked after children
• A knowledge of a child’s life history (on a need-to-know basis);
• To know the name the child calls his/her carer and to know all other members of the household, eg. other foster children
- Regular liaison with all partner agencies
- A Personal Education Plan for each looked after child relating to the EYFS
• Stories and books depicting the diversity of family structures/loss/bereavement/feelings and emotions
Early Years ePEPs are now access via Welfare Call. Contact AfC Virtual School for log in details and support.
All Pre-School students receive 300 a year Pupil Premium if they attend a DfE registered Nursery setting.